November 1, 2036

The world will be eternally grateful for Dr. Victor Ross who, over the past year, worked really hard on manufacturing a vaccine for the Maikavirus which finally reached 235 million US citizens this week. And his accomplishments don't end here. Over the past few years, he’s become perhaps the single biggest financial driving force behind [...]

October 28, 2036

For many people, bereavement is a temporary process. You go through a tough period of sorrow, numbness, guilt or anger expecting those feelings to subside eventually, finally allowing you to accept the loss and move forward. On the other hand, there’s what scientists call, “prolonged” or “complicated grief”. This type of grief is intense, ongoing [...]

October 29, 2036

“Another day, another record. Deaths hitting a new height in the New York state area as the number of Maikavirus cases continue to spike aggressively. On the front lines, the fight to save patients continues at a great cost…” The year has proven to be quite the roller coaster and after months spent avoiding any [...]

October 14, 2036

I’ve spent the last eight days stuck at home and glued to my TV screen now that the city’s lockdown order has become mandatory. It took police almost a week to find Brian Neves’ rotting body and launch an investigation I’ve been following step by step. So far there are no leads and an anonymous [...]

October 6, 2036

Is it true what people say about the world going backward? Looking at what’s going on right now, it sure as hell seems to be true. Humanity has lost touch with itself. I know I’ve always have, so this observation doesn’t in any way apply to me. Over the years, media outlets have given the [...]

September 28, 2036

Losing innocence is unavoidable. It’s part of the process of growing up. As you get older, your body changes and your mind shifts. You gain knowledge and you experience new emotions—both good and bad. It personally took me years to get to that point, mostly because my parents shielded me from the real world, making [...]

September 3, 2036

Dark eras are no longer part of the past. We’re right in the middle of a new, darker and more threatening one. And we might not survive it. American-Italian co-ed Megan LaMantia and ex-college boyfriend Bo Levin were acquitted this morning after having spent two years in prison for the murder of Megan’s previous roommate, [...]

April 11, 2036

When you look at the city of New York from an aerial point of view you’re immediately taken and blown away by its magnificence. I remember my first stroll down the West Side highway overlooking the Hudson. The electric sky above, the golden sunlight streaming magic all around me. It’s the one of the prettiest [...]

January 30, 2034

Ever since I graduated and landed myself a job as a forensic photographer, I’ve found myself slowly becoming obsessed with crime that at some point, I wanted to witness it happen instead of just documenting its aftermath. I had this need of this excitement that came from being present at a crime scene as the [...]

December 18, 2033

It’s 5:30 P.M. on a weekday. I’m standing on the subway platform, impatiently waiting for the train which was supposed to be coming a few minutes ago but due to various painful disruptions across the system, it kept on getting delayed. The subway has become the victim of its own success in the dense city’s [...]